Consumer Data Marketplaces

Consumer data marketplaces are platforms where businesses can buy datasets on consumers. These datasets contain demographic, psychographic, location, purchase intent and history, and contact data for consumers. This information helps businesses understand their consumers better so they can define more precise targeting strategies and increase marketing ROI. Examples of consumer data marketplaces include Datarade Marketplace, Databricks Marketplace, and LiveRamp.

Intro to Consumer Data Marketplaces

If you work in advertising, martech, or market research, chances are, you’ll have come across consumer data marketplaces. They’re powerful platforms where companies can source and monetize consumer data. In this guide, we’ll look at how consumer data marketplaces work, how these platforms ensure privacy and consent, the use cases they support, and the kinds of data monetized and bought there.

What are Consumer Data Marketplaces?

Consumer data marketplaces are platforms where companies buy and sell consumer data. These marketplaces serve as intermediaries between data providers (which can include companies, organizations, or individuals) and data buyers (typically businesses seeking insights into consumer behavior, preferences, or demographics).

Generally, there are three components to a consumer data marketplace

Data Providers:

These are entities that collect or possess consumer data. This could include anything from shopping habits and browsing history to social media activity and demographic information. Data providers may be companies that collect data through their services, such as social media platforms or e-commerce sites, or they could be specialized data brokers that aggregate and sell data from various sources. We’ll look at how to start and scale a business as a commercial data provider later.

Data Buyers:

These are businesses or organizations looking to access consumer data for various purposes, such as targeted advertising, market research, CRM enrichment, list building, audience segmentation, product development, or risk assessment. Data buyers may include marketers, advertisers, researchers, financial institutions, insurance companies, and more. We’ll look at more use cases for consumer data later in this article.

Marketplace Platform:

The marketplace itself facilitates the exchange of data between providers and buyers. It typically provides a platform where data providers can list their datasets along with relevant details such as data type, source, quality, and pricing. Buyers can then browse these listings, purchase access to the desired datasets, and often access tools for analyzing and extracting insights from the data. We’ll look at some examples of top consumer data marketplaces later.

What measures are in place to ensure data privacy and consent on Consumer Data Marketplaces?

Measures to ensure privacy and consent on consumer data marketplaces

Consumer data marketplaces raise various ethical and privacy concerns, particularly regarding the collection, usage, and protection of personal information. Issues such as consent, data anonymization, transparency, and data security are critical considerations in the operation of these platforms.

There are several measures in place to ensure that consumer data marketplaces operate legally, securely, and ethically. These measures could be externally enforced, such as by a regulatory body, or internal policy that the data marketplaces commits to following. Let’s look at some of them.

Compliance with Regulations:

Regulatory frameworks, such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in the European Union and the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) in the United States, impose restrictions and requirements on the handling of consumer data, which can impact how consumer data marketplaces operate. Consumer data marketplaces must abide by the relevant laws in their jurisdiction regarding data privacy, consent, data subject rights, and data breach notifications.

Data Anonymization and Aggregation:

Data marketplaces can insist that data providers anonymize or aggregate the data they sell to remove personally identifiable information (PII) or combine it with other data to make it harder to identify individuals. This helps protect the privacy of individuals while still allowing data buyers to derive insights from the data.

Consent Management:

Data marketplaces may require data providers to demonstrate that they have obtained proper consent from individuals before selling their data. This could involve verifying that consent was freely given, specific, informed, and unambiguous, as required by regulations like the GDPR.

User Preferences and Opt-Out Mechanisms:

Data marketplaces may provide individuals with options to control how their data is used and to opt out of having their data sold or shared. This could include providing clear privacy settings, preferences for data capture and storage, opt-out mechanisms, and the ability to review and update consent preferences.

Transparency and Disclosure:

Data marketplaces often have policies and practices in place to ensure transparency about how data is collected, used, and shared. This may include providing clear information about data sources, purposes of data processing, data retention periods, and the parties involved in data transactions.

Data Security Measures:

Data marketplaces implement robust security measures to protect the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of the data they handle. This includes encryption, access controls, data minimization, regular security audits, and compliance with industry standards and regulations.

Ethical Guidelines and Best Practices:

Some data marketplaces may adhere to ethical guidelines and best practices for responsible data usage. This could include principles such as fairness, transparency, accountability, and respect for individuals' rights and freedoms.

Overall, data privacy and consent are critical considerations for consumer data marketplaces. Leading consumer data marketplaces typically employ a combination of technical, organizational, and legal measures to address these concerns and protect individuals' privacy rights.

Once the marketplace has ensured that its platform and providers are consent-managed and privacy-secure, data providers are able to list their datasets on consumer data marketplaces and start generating business. Let’s look at the kinds of datasets frequently for sale on consumer data marketplaces.

What kind of datasets are available on Consumer Data Marketplaces?

Consumer data marketplaces offer a wide range of datasets that provide insights into various aspects of consumer behavior, preferences, demographics, and interactions. Here are some examples of the types of datasets commonly available:

Datasets bought and sold on consumer data marketplaces

Demographic Data:

This includes information about individuals' age, gender, income level, education level, marital status, household size, and other demographic characteristics.

Geographic Data:

Geographic datasets provide information about individuals' location, such as their city, state, ZIP code, or even precise GPS coordinates. This data can be used for location-based targeting and analysis.

Behavioral Data:

Behavioral datasets capture information about individuals' online and offline behavior, including their browsing history, purchase history, interactions with websites and apps, social media activity, content consumption patterns, and more.

Transactional Data:

Transactional datasets contain information about individuals' financial transactions, including purchases made with credit cards, debit cards, or other payment methods. This data can provide insights into spending habits, purchasing preferences, and consumer trends.

Social Media Data:

Social media datasets include data extracted from social networking platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, and others. This data may include users' posts, comments, likes, shares, connections, and other interactions.

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Data:

CRM datasets contain information about interactions between businesses and their customers, such as customer contact details, purchase history, customer service interactions, and marketing campaign responses.

Survey Data:

Survey datasets consist of responses collected from individuals through surveys or questionnaires. This data can provide insights into consumer opinions, attitudes, preferences, and satisfaction levels.

Sensor Data:

Sensor datasets capture data from various sensors, such as those in smartphones, wearable devices, IoT devices, and other sources. This data may include information about individuals' physical activity, health metrics, environmental conditions, and more.

Third-Party Data:

Third-party datasets come from external sources, such as data brokers, market research firms, government agencies, and other organizations. These datasets may contain a wide range of information about consumers, including public records, consumer profiles, lifestyle data, and more.

Aside from these few examples, the types of datasets available on consumer data marketplaces can vary widely depending on the platform and the preferences of data providers and buyers. Additionally, data marketplaces may offer tools and services for data enrichment, data analysis, and data integration to help businesses derive insights from the data they purchase.

These insights are then put to real use in various business contexts. Let’s take a look at some of the most prevalent use cases for the data sold on consumer data marketplaces.

What use cases do Consumer Data Marketplaces support?

Consumer data marketplaces support a variety of use cases across industries by providing access to valuable insights into consumer behavior, preferences, and demographics. Here are some of the most common applications of consumer datasets:

Use cases for consumer data marketplaces

Targeted Advertising:

Businesses use consumer data to target their advertising campaigns more effectively. By analyzing consumer demographics, interests, and behavior, advertisers can tailor their ads to specific audience segments, increasing the relevance and effectiveness of their marketing efforts.

Market Research and Insights:

Consumer data helps businesses gain a deeper understanding of market trends, consumer preferences, and competitive landscapes. Market researchers use consumer data to identify emerging opportunities, assess market demand, and make informed business decisions.

Personalization and Customer Segmentation:

Consumer data enables businesses to personalize their products, services, and marketing communications based on individual preferences and behavior. By segmenting customers into distinct groups, businesses can deliver targeted offers, recommendations, and experiences that resonate with each segment.

Product Development and Innovation:

Consumer data provides valuable feedback that informs product development and innovation. By analyzing consumer feedback, usage patterns, and market trends, businesses can identify areas for improvement, develop new features and offerings, and stay ahead of evolving consumer needs.

Risk Assessment and Fraud Detection:

Financial institutions and insurance companies use consumer data to assess creditworthiness, detect fraudulent activities, and mitigate risks. By analyzing individuals' financial history, transaction patterns, and behavioral indicators, businesses can make more accurate risk assessments and prevent financial losses.

Healthcare and Wellness:

Healthcare providers and wellness companies use consumer data to personalize healthcare services, improve patient outcomes, and promote healthy behaviors. By analyzing individuals' health data, lifestyle choices, and environmental factors, healthcare professionals can deliver targeted interventions and preventive care.

E-commerce Optimization:

E-commerce companies leverage consumer data to optimize their online storefronts, product recommendations, and pricing strategies. By analyzing purchase history, browsing behavior, and shopping cart abandonment patterns, businesses can enhance the customer shopping experience and increase conversion rates.

Supply Chain Management:

Retailers and manufacturers use consumer data to optimize their supply chain operations, forecast demand, and manage inventory levels. By analyzing consumer purchasing patterns and market demand signals, businesses can streamline their supply chain processes and reduce costs.

Travel and Hospitality:

Travel agencies, airlines, hotels, and tourism companies use consumer data to personalize travel experiences, offer tailored recommendations, and anticipate customer needs. By analyzing travel preferences, booking behavior, and destination trends, businesses can enhance the customer journey and drive customer loyalty.

These are just a few examples, and the potential use cases for consumer data are virtually limitless, spanning across industries such as retail, finance, healthcare, entertainment, automotive, and more. Let’s take a deeper look at these industries.

What industries are using Consumer Data Marketplaces?

Consumer data marketplaces are utilized across a broad spectrum of industries, as access to consumer insights is valuable for businesses seeking to understand their customers better, improve their products and services, and make more informed strategic decisions. Here are some industries that commonly leverage consumer data marketplaces:


Retailers use consumer data to personalize marketing campaigns, optimize product offerings, and improve customer experiences both online and in-store.

Advertising and Marketing:

Advertisers and marketers leverage consumer data to target their campaigns more effectively, measure campaign performance, and optimize advertising spend.

Financial Services:

Banks, credit card companies, and insurance firms use consumer data for risk assessment, fraud detection, customer segmentation, and personalized financial services.

Technology and Internet:

Technology companies, including social media platforms, e-commerce sites, and app developers, use consumer data to enhance user experiences, deliver targeted content and recommendations, and optimize platform performance.

Healthcare and Pharmaceuticals:

Healthcare providers, pharmaceutical companies, and wellness firms use consumer data for patient engagement, personalized medicine, population health management, and drug development.

Travel and Hospitality:

Airlines, hotels, travel agencies, and tourism companies use consumer data to personalize travel experiences, offer tailored recommendations, and improve customer satisfaction and loyalty.


Automotive manufacturers and dealerships use consumer data for market research, customer profiling, targeted advertising, and product development.


Telecom companies use consumer data for customer segmentation, personalized marketing, network optimization, and improving customer service.

Media and Entertainment:

Media companies, including streaming platforms, publishers, and broadcasters, use consumer data to personalize content recommendations, target advertising, and optimize content distribution.


Educational institutions and e-learning platforms use consumer data for student recruitment, personalized learning experiences, and academic research.

Government and Public Sector:

Government agencies use consumer data for policy development, public service delivery, urban planning, and demographic analysis.

Manufacturing and Supply Chain:

Manufacturers use consumer data for demand forecasting, inventory management, product design, and supply chain optimization.

These are just a few examples, and the use of consumer data marketplaces continues to expand as businesses across industries recognize the value of leveraging consumer insights to drive growth, innovation, and competitive advantage.

How do I monetize data on Consumer Data Marketplaces?

The optimal data monetization strategy depends on where you are in your data selling journey. That is, if you’re new to data monetization or if you’re a seasoned commercial data provider. In general, however, monetizing data on consumer data marketplaces usually involves these steps:

1. Data Collection and Aggregation:

First, you need to collect or aggregate datasets that have value to potential buyers. This could involve collecting data from various sources such as your own business operations, third-party data providers, public sources, or proprietary data collection methods.

2. Data Preparation and Enrichment:

Once you have collected the data, you may need to process, clean, and enrich it to ensure its quality and usability. This could involve tasks such as removing duplicates, standardizing formats, anonymizing personally identifiable information (PII), and augmenting the data with additional attributes or metadata.

3. Data Packaging and Curation:

Next, you'll need to package the data into datasets that are attractive to potential buyers. This could involve segmenting the data into different categories or themes, creating data schemas and documentation, and curating the datasets to highlight their value proposition.

4. Listing on Data Marketplace:

Once your datasets are prepared, you can list them on consumer data marketplaces or data exchange platforms where businesses can browse, search, and purchase data. Make sure to provide clear and comprehensive descriptions of your datasets, including details such as data type, source, coverage, quality, and pricing.

5. Promotion and Marketing:

To attract potential buyers, you may need to promote your datasets through various channels, such as online marketing, industry events, targeted advertising, or partnerships with data brokers or resellers. Highlight the unique value proposition of your datasets and demonstrate how they can address specific business needs or use cases.

6. Negotiation and Sales:

Once interested buyers express interest in your datasets, you'll engage in negotiation and sales discussions to finalize the terms of the data purchase. This may involve negotiating pricing, licensing terms, data usage restrictions, and other contractual agreements.

7. Delivery and Fulfillment:

After reaching an agreement with the buyer, you'll need to deliver the purchased datasets to them in the agreed-upon format and manner. This could involve providing access to download the data from a secure platform, delivering the data via API integration, or other delivery methods.

8. Customer Support and Maintenance:

Finally, you'll need to provide ongoing customer support to address any questions or issues that buyers may have regarding the purchased datasets. You may also need to update and maintain the datasets over time to ensure their accuracy, relevance, and compliance with any regulatory requirements.

Looking for help on how to monetize your data on consumer data marketplaces? Data Commerce Cloud is the data monetization platform loved by data providers globally. With one click, publish your datasets on the most used data marketplaces without leaving the Data Commerce Cloud platform. See learn more and see it in action, book a demo.

Discover Top Consumer Data Marketplaces


Experian's data marketplace provides comprehensive solutions for businesses seeking data-driven insights. Offering a vast array of datasets, it caters to various industries and business needs. With a focus on accuracy and compliance, Experian ensures the integrity of its data offerings. Through seamless integration and customizable solutions, businesses can leverage data to make informed decisions and drive growth.


LiveRamp Data Marketplace

LiveRamp’s Data Marketplace provides simplified access to global data from the world’s top providers. The marketplace ensures that data is ethically-sourced, and used intended. LiveRamp is easily activated across technology and media platforms, agencies, analytics environments, and TV partners.

LiveRamp Data Marketplace


Datarade Marketplace is the world's largest external data marketplace. It lists 2000+ data provider companies, with products and DaaS covering 600+ categories. Buyers use the platform to search for data, filter according to their requirements, compare samples instantly, and connect with vendors directly. Buyers can also Post Data Requests which are visible to providers on the Marketplace. For thousands of companies including Google, BCG and Pepsico, Datarade Marketplace is the easiest way to find the right data sources.


Databricks Marketplace

Databricks is a 360º data platforms that unifies all data streams in a single application, making it easy to get, manipulate, enrich and analyse your data. Databricks is built on an open and reliable data foundation that efficiently handles all data types and applies one common security and governance approach across all of your data and cloud platforms.

Databricks Marketplace