Google Dataset Search is an open, free-to-use search engine for datasets. It hosts 25 million datasets. Dataset Search's mission is to foster a data sharing ecosystem that will encourage data publishers to follow best practices for data storage and publication. The channel also aims to give scientists a way to show the impact of their work through citation of datasets that they have produced.
Google Dataset Search is used by thousands of students, researchers, data scientists, journalists, and data geeks around the world every day.
When you publish your storefront Google Dataset Search using your DCC account, the following is synced:
Any dataset which uses or similar standards to describe their datasets can appear in Google Dataset Search.
For data providers using DCC, publishing to Alation Marketplaces is in sync with publishing on Datarade Marketplace. This means that if you publish listings to Datarade Marketplace, they’ll automatically also appear on Alation Marketplaces, regardless of your DCC plan.
Google Dataset Search welcomes researchers and data providers offering any kind of external data as long as the publisher maintains data privacy and security, and the datasets are verified for accuracy.